Brillstein Security Group

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The globalized international markets in which all companies have to operate become more and more competitive, the methods used to obtain information on competitors have become extremely devious and technically advanced, including high-tech attacks by foreign intelligence agencies and even organized crime.

In order to protect our clients, our experts in all forms of electronic communication and surveillance will step in. Our experienced teams are experts in international intelligence and are able to deal with any situation involving electronic interception or detection, physical security and covert surveillance, undercover operators, collation of information by means of intelligence tactics. This may include technical surveillance counter-measures such as

The Brillstein Security concept to counter espionage, surveillance and intelligence directed against your company is cost effective and will enhance your overall security concept. You cannot afford to ignore IT and data security. Since company information and data are two of the main company assets, you must protect them in order to avoid intrusion, attacks and losses. Unfortunately, many executives perceive such security measures solely as a cost factor and either ignore the threat of espionage or don't know about it. Survey shows that only about 12-15% of all employees consider themselves as loyal to the company; thus, over 80% are not! This opens the door to espionage. Professional espionage from official intelligence agencies from countries such as Russia, China, Japan, India and many other targets just about ALL Western companies involved in profitable business. It is hard to detect competent espionage, which is why executives often do not fully realize the complete picture.

This wrong attitude can easily lead to the destruction of a company, theft of vital corporate information, plays right into the hands of plans of a hostile take-over, sabotage, fraud etc. Brillstein Security is at your disposal to assist you in protection and in developing your company's intelligence strategy.


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